
Crest Nicholson have launched an information website in respect of these two planning applications. The objective of the website is to provide local residents with a direct point of contact with the company and easy access to the application plans including layout for the site, the landscape and the Design & Access Statement. Flyers announcing the website will be sent to 400 homes in the area surrounding the site. The link for the website is:

Complaints - Development Sites in Keynsham

Residents concerns regarding construction vehicle movements at the development off Bath Road, Keynsham may be reported to the following numbers, where they will receive appropriate action. 0117 923 6000 and out of hours 0808 168 6172

24 hour telephone 'Customer Care Line' - 01454 628 417. Local residents concerns regarding the construction on this site may be reported to this number, where they will receive appropriate action.

Telephone 'Customer Care Line' - 01454 202 202. For email complaints send your complaint to (marked with a reference - Barratt's site Charlton Road) and these will be forwarded to Barratt's for prompt action.


Planning Applications

You can view planning applications by entering an application reference or partial address in the Bath & North East Somerset Council search facility.



Treetops Nursing Home St Clement's Road Keynsham

Outline planning application for demolition of existing care home and erection of 2no. three-storey buildings comprising 36no. self-contained flats (Use Class C3), with matters of Access Layout, Scale, and Appearance to be determined | Date 09.10.23 | Taken to Committee 23.10.23 | Pending Consideration


Treetops Nursing Home St Clement's Road

Outline planning application for demolition of existing care home and erection of 2no. three-storey buildings comprising 36no. self-contained flats (Use Class C3), with matters of Access Layout, Scale, and Appearance to be determined | Date 14.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Pending Consideration


7 High Street

Provide pitched roof over the existing flat roof | Date 29.11.23 | Taken to committee 11.12.23 | Support - Permit


15 Lulworth Road

Erection of two storey side extension. (Resubmission) | Date: 06.11.2023 | Taken to committee: 11.12.2023 | Support - Permit


7 Kennet Road Keynsham

Erection of single-storey porch and rear extension, and two-storey side extension, following demolition of single-storey outbuildings. Alterations to drive, including widening of access. (Resubmission). Date 02.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Object - Permit


20 Foresters Close

Erection of single storey glazed conservatory to the rear of the house | Date: 08.11.2023 | Taken to committee: 11.12.2023 | Support - Permit


Whitegate Nurseries Stockwood Hill Keynsham

Change of Use from Sui Generis to Class B8 | Date 15.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Object - Withdrawn


Land To Rear Of Danes Court Dane's Lane Keynsham

Erection of 10 No. affordable apartments (Class C3) and associated access, drainage and landscaping works | Date 14.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Support - Permitted


Stockwood Vale Golf Club Stockwood Lane Keynsham

Variation of conditions 5 (Detail lighting design) and 7 (hours of light operation) of application 96/02434/FUL (Lighting and external works and landscaping to driving range as amplified by letters and information received 10th March, 21st August and 5th December 1997, 17th September and 28th September 1998). | Date 21.11.23 | Taken Committee 11.12.23 | Object - Permit


14 Caesar Crescent

Erection of single storey rear extension | Date 22.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Support - Permitted


10 Chandos Road

Erection of a two storey rear extension with part gable roof and part flat and new porch to the front elevation | Date 21.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Support - Permit


14 Derwent Grove

Erection of two storey rear extension and garage conversion to form utility and shower room | Date 30.11.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Support - Permitted


17 Vandyke Avenue

Erection of shed | Date 23.01.24 | Taken to Committee 05.02.24 | Application Withdrawn


Wellsway House 9 Wellsway

Prior approval request for change of use of office premises (Use Class E) to 4no. flats (Use Class C3) | Date 05.12.23 | Taken to Committee 11.12.23 | Object - Refuse


20 Lockingwell Road Keynsham

Prior approval request for single storey rear extension that would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 3.3 metres, 2) have a maximum height of 3.8 metres and 3) have eaves that are 2.7 metres high | Date 18.12.23 | Taken To Committee 08.01.23 | Support - Approve


23 Vandyck Avenue

Erection of 2 no. apartments | Date: 12.01.2024 | Taken to committee: 05.02.2024 | Application Withdrawn


14 Walden Road Keynsham

Erection of a single storey rear extension | Date 19.12.23 | Taken to Committee 08.01.23 | Support - Permit


109 Hurn Lane

Erection of single storey rear and front extensions and garage conversion | Date 22.12.23 | Taken to Committee 08.01.24 | Object - Permitted


Durley Hill House Old Bristol Road

Internal alterations to create enlarged opening between kitchen and orangery | Date 10.01.24 | Taken to Committee 05.02.24 | Support - Consent


Ransom Strip at Rear of 17A Wellsway

T1 - Maple - Fell and treat stump with Eco Plugs (Broadleaved) | Date: 16.01.2024 | Taken to committee: 05.02.2024 | Noted - No Objection


1 Severn Way

Erection of 2 no. single storey rear extensions | Date: 11.01.2024 | Taken to committee: 05.02.2024 | Support - Permitted


Land Parcel 0005, Bath Road

Reserved Matters for the development of 208 homes, replacement sports pitch to facilitate expanded primary school, open space, landscaping and all associated infrastructure pursuant to planning permission ref: 20/02673/RES | Date: 18.01.2024 | Taken to committee: 05.02.2024 | Pending consideration


9 Julius Place

Erection of Warm-roof conservatory to the rear elevation of the house | Date 22.01.24 | Taken to Committee 05.02.24 | Support - Permitted


5A - 7 High Street

Replacement shopfront and new signage | Date 01.02.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Object - Permit


47 Manor Road

Loft conversion with 2 storey balcony extension to rear elevation and erection of attached annex and garage | Date 26.01.24 | Taken to Committee 05.02.24 | Pending Consideration


5A - 7 High Street Keynsham

Display of fascia signs with internally-illuminated fret cut letters, projecting blade sign with internally-illuminated letters, vinyl graphics to shopfront windows and projecting awning | Date 31.01.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Object - Consent


Unregistered Shop Known As One Stop The Chocolate Factory Via Traversus Keynsham

Display of 3no. externally-illuminated fascia's and non-illuminated window vinyl's and poster cases | Date 30.01.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Support - Consent


Shalom Dragons Hill Close

Variation of condition 6 (Plans List) and discharge of conditions 3 (Cycle Storage) and 5 (Boundary Treatment) of application 23/02888/FUL (Change of use from dwelling house (Use Class C3) to residential children's care home (Use Class C2)) | Date 09.02.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Support - Permit


3 Abbotswood Close

Erection of two storey side extension | Date 05.03.04 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Pending Consideration


138 Bath Road

Change of use of detached domestic garage at rear of property to a hair salon | Date 07.02.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Support - Permit


Former Keynsham Fire Station Temple Street

Erection of 21no. apartments (Over 55's) with ground floor space for Class E use, parking, associated landscaping and public realm improvements, to follow demolition of existing former Keynsham Fire Station building | Date 13.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.3.24 | Pending Consideration


Former Keynsham Fire Station Temple Street

Erection of 21no. apartments (Over 55's) with ground floor space for Class E use, parking, associated landscaping and public realm improvements, to follow demolition of existing former Keynsham Fire Station building | Date 18.10.24 | Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


16 Ashcroft Avenue

Erection of single storey rear extension with annex facilities following demolition of existing extension and conservatory | Date 29.02.24 | Taken to Committee 04.03.24 | Support - Permit


21 Charlton Road

Tree 1 laurel - Reduce the height of the laurel by 1.3 m. Tree 2 holly - Trim the vertical twigs from the holly and reduce the remaining crown by 0.6 m to the new height of the laurel. If needed, further reduce the height of the holly's trunk to improve the overall shape of the tree long term. - Reduce the diameter of both crowns in proportion to the overall height, without lifting either crown, and shape each tree to a natural profile. - Clear branches and foliage from the space above the wall behind, for access to the wall. - At the tree surgeon's discretion, thin each tree | Date 06.03.24 | Taken to Committee | Noted - No Objection


24 Gaston Avenue

Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extension and loft conversion | Date 18.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permit


11 Lucius Avenue

Erection of single storey rear extension | Date 08.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permit


44 Alexander Road

Erection of ground floor rear extension ! Date 12.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permitted


67 Bristol Road

Erection of single storey rear extension to create ground floor WC | Date 12.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permitted


100 Wellsway Keynsham

Renovation of the existing bungalow including: relocation of entrance and staircase; minor alterations to the ground floor to create a new utility room and workshop/guest room; alteration and extension of loft to create three double bedrooms, office and washing facilities; improvement of energy efficiency; demolition of existing conservatory | Date 19.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.04.24 | Support - Permit


10 Elm Court

Erection of single storey rear extension | Date 19.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permit


Durley Hill House Old Bristol Road

Erection of Garden Room / Summer House within the curtilage of Durley Hill House | Date 19.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Permit


Durley Hill House Old Bristol Road

Erection of Garden Room / Summer House within the curtilage of Durley Hill House | Date 19.03.24 | Taken to Committee 25.03.24 | Support - Withdrawn


20 Hardington Drive

Sycamore T1 - Crown lift/remove 3 x smaller lower branches growing toward property/roof line | Date 27.03.24 | Taken to Committee 15.04.24 | Noted - Consent


Unregistered Shop Known As One Stop The Chocolate Factory Via Traversus

Erection of new bin store enclosure | Date 28.03.24 | Taken to Committee 15.04.24 | Support - Permitted


1 Handel Road

Erection of single storey flat roof rear extension with rooflights | Date 03.04.24 | Taken to Committee 15.04.24 | Pending Consideration. Support - Permitted


198 Wellsway

Erection of two storey side extension and front porch | Date 16.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Refuse


23 Vandyck Avenue

Erection of 2 no. apartments | Date 15.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Permit


14 Kenilworth Close

Erection of three bedroom house to follow removal of existing two storey extension | Date 29.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Pending Consideration


37 Gaston Avenue

: Remove and replace 2no. existing 1.25m high driveway gates with 2no. 1.9m gates at existing dropped kerbs, exiting onto Gaston Avenue. Erect 1.9m high fencing along the boundary between front garden and 38 Gaston Avenue. Erect a 2m high fence to partition front garden. | Date 10.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Pending Consideration


Land Between Fox and Hounds Lane & Avon Road Fox and Hounds Lane

Sycamore T5 - fell | Date 17.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Noted - No Objection


73 Bath Road

Proposed drop kerb to the existing walkway | Date 18.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Refused


138 Park Road Keynsham

Erection of single storey side extension with repositioned pedestrian access | Date 22.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Permit


Flat 1 3 The Avenue

T1 Prunus insititia: fell. T2 Ilex: Crown lift to 3m. T3 Fraxinus: fell. T4 Fraxinus: pruning min clearance 1.5m. T5 Prunus spinosa: Crown lift to 3m | Date 22.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Noted - No Objection


70 Charlton Road

Erection of one storey extension for use as annexe | Date 03.05.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Permit


48 High Street

Display of non-illuminated main fascia and non-illuminated projecting sign | Date 03.05.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Consent


1 Coronation Avenue

Erection of two storey side extension | Date 13.05.24 | Taken to Committee | Support - Permit


Andrews Estate Agents The Clockhouse Bath Hill

External alterations to The Clockhouse and The Lodge, erection of new fencing and retaining wall to form bin store and erection of a bike store | Date 25.04.24 | Taken to Committee 13.05.24 | Support - Permit


Buddleia House 76B Bath Hill

Erection of a single storey rear extension | Date 16/05/24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Support - Permit


12 Dapps Hill

: Rowan (T1) and Cherry (T2) - Formative pruning Persian Ironwood (T3) - Crown thin by 20% Magnolia (T4) - Reduction in height by 1.5m and reduction of the lateral growth by 1.5m Young Oak (T5) - Reduction in height by 1.5m and re-balance the laterals by upt 1.5m maximum Lawson Cypress (T6) - Reduction in height by 3m and trimming of the remaining crown Apple (T7) - Crown reduction by 2m in height and 1m on the lateral branches Field maple (T8) - Crown thin by 20% Quince (T9) - Reduction in height by 1m | Date 09.05.24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Noted - No Objections


Durley Park Lodge, Durley Park

T1- Beech- Remove dead limbs T2- Beech- Remove 3 lowest limbs, heavily end weighted and removing limbs will balance crowns | Date 14.05.24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Noted - Consent


Keynsham Mini Market 9 High Street

Installation of an automated teller machine and associated signage | Date 20.05.24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Object - Refuse


Keynsham Mini Market 9 High Street

Display of 1no. internally illuminated top sign and internally illuminated logo pane | Date 20.05.24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Object - Refuse


11 Windrush Road

Erection of single storey rear extension and partial garage conversion | Date 29.05.24 | Taken to Committee 10.06.24 | Support - Permit


Former Brincliffe Nursery Bath Road

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of new foodstore (Use Class E) together with associated works including parking, access and landscaping | Date 17.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Pending Consideration


12 Tamar Drive

Erection of two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage and porch | Taken to Committee: 08.07.2024 | Support - Permit


8 Hadrian Close

Erection of single storey rear extension | Date 06.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Support - Permit


Ij Mcgill Transport Ltd Unity Road Northern Part

Change of use of the existing building to provide an indoor electric go-karting centre (sui generis use) with associated installation of plant, and signage | Date 14.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Pending Consideration


Ij Mcgill Transport Ltd Unity Road Northern Part

Display of 2no. illuminated fascia signs | Date 12.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Pending Consideration


Ground Floor Flat 41 West View Road

Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory and rear extension, and reconfiguration of internal spaces | Date 12.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Support - Permit


Ellsbridge House Bath Road

T1-Ash, heavy end loaded bough over extending driveway, exhibiting minor signs of Ash dieback. Remove bough overextending driveway of childrens nursery to remove major deadwood | Date : 20.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Noted - Consent


1 Derwent Grove

Outline Permission for erection of single storey 1no. bed bungalow within garden of existing dwelling | Date 18.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Comment- Permit


The Lays Lodge, Charlton Road

Erection of garage following demolition of existing | Date: 06.08.2024 | Taken to Committee: 02.09.2024 | Support - Permit


Redwood House, 65 Bristol Road

Extension and conversion of existing building for office to 9no 2bed apartments, with associated works, including bin and bike storage | Date 28.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Object - Permit


32 Oak Tree Walk

Erection of a single story rear extension to replace existing conservatory | Date 26.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Support - Permitted


Parcel 5159 Minsmere Road

: Reserved matters application for application 21/05471/OUT (Outline planning application for 70 homes (Use Class C3); new vehicular and pedestrian access on to Minsmere Road, public open space; tree planting and habitat creation; site drainage and associated infrastructure, with all matters reserved except for access) | Date 05.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Pending Consideration


2 Mayfields

Discharge of condition 11 (Plans List (Compliance)) of application 21/05172/VAR (Variation of condition 11 (Plans List) of application 19/00590/FUL (Erection of 4no flats on land adjacent to 2 Mayfields)) | Date 27.06.24 | Taken to Committee 08.07.24 | Pending Consideration


12 Corfe Crescent

REVISED PLANS | Erection of single storey side extension | Date 13.08.24 | Taken to committee 02.09.24 | Pending Consideration


21 Wellsway

TPO 526/23 SYCAMORE - Crown reduce whole tree by up to 3 metres | Date 09.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Pending Consideration


: 5 Severn Way

Erection of ground floor rear and side extension providing a new kitchen and dining area with a utility area and WC/Shower room. | Date 03.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Support - Permit


13 - 15 High Street

Change of use from store room to 1no. flat | Date 10.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Support - Permit


Stockwood Vale Golf Club, Stockwood Lane

Replacement of existing timber shiplap cladding to clubhouse with composite cladding, natural stone and render | Date 09.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Support - Permitted


Wellsway School Chandag Road

Prior approval request for the installation of a roof mounted solar PV array at Wellsway School (Lansdown Building) | Date 10.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Support - Withdrawn


240 Bath Road

Loft conversion extension with raised ridge to match existing and juliet balcony to form extra living space and ancilliary works | Date 10.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Support - Permit


Conygre Farm St Clement's Road

T1 - remove walnut tree to ground level. T2 - Crown reduce bay tree approx 1.5m and remove lateral limb growing towards doorway. G1 - reduce mixed hedge row by 3-4m | Date 16.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Noted - No Objection


10 Bath Road

Use of Little Owl Cottage (annexe) as a separate dwelling (Certificate of Lawful Existing Use) | Date 17.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Comment - Lawful


Flat 14 Victoria House Dapps Hill

Installation of 6no replacement timber windows to second floor flat | Date 17.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Pending Consideration


Flat 14 Victoria House Dapps Hill

External alteration for the installation of 6no replacement timber windows to second floor flat | Date 17.07.24 | Taken to Committee 05.08.24 | Pending Consideration


17 Wellsway

T1 - Beech - Crown reduce by approx 2-2.5metres. N.B. No works to T2 & G3 shown on sketch plan | Date 31.07.24 | Taken to Committee 02.09.24 | Noted - No Objection


131 Wellsway

Proposed front and rear dormer construction to facilitate loft conversion with internal alterations and changes to fenestration and external materials at ground floor | Date 22.08.24 | Taken to Committee 02.09.24 | Pending Consideration


Lays Farm Business Centre, Lays Farm Trading Estate

Variation of conditions 4 (Construction Management Plan), 8 (Wildlife Protection and Enhancement), 11 (Materials) and 14 (Drainage Strategy) of application 18/05696/OUT (Outline planning application for the demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection B1 Business buildings and 8 no. dwellings) | Date: 13.08.2024 | Taken to Committee: 02.09.2024 | Pending Consideration


5 Chew Cottages, Dapps Hill

1 x Cherry - to fell, 1 x icy clad apple - to fell, 1 x cotoneaster - heavy reduction to approximately 15ft to allow space/light | Date 06/08/24 | No Objection


Unregistered Unit 1-4 Old Station Yard Avon Mill Lane

Variation of condition 7 of application 21/01412/FUL allowed on appeal ref: APP/F0114/W/22/3300847 on 14th April 2022 (Erection of 3no. acoustic barriers; permission to allow the filling of concrete mixing vehicles between 6:30am and 5:30pm (Monday-Friday) 8:00am-1:00pm Saturday and 7:30am-5:30pm (Bank Holidays); permission to allow other specified operations at the site between 7:30am and 6:30pm (Monday-Friday) and 8:00am and 1:00pm (Saturday) and 7:30am-5:30pm (Bank Holidays); and permission to store materials in external yard area (re-submission of planning application 20/02008/FUL)). | Date: 04.10.24 |Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


Lays Farm Business Centre, Lays Farm Trading Estate

Variation of condition 10 (Plans List) of application 21/01825/RES ((Approval of reserved matters to approve appearance, layout, scale, and the landscaping of the site in regards to application 18/05696/OUT (Outline planning application for the demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection B1 Business buildings and 8 no. dwellings)) | Date: 14.08.2024 | Taken to Committee: 02.09.2024 | Pending consideration


New Inn, 90 Bath Hill

T1. Norway maple - Fell tree to ground level | No Objection


63 The Mead

Erection of single storey rear infill extension, conversion of garage and loft conversion with dormer | Date: 15.08.2024 | Taken to Committee: 02.09.2024 | Support - Permit


Coombs Creek, Old Bristol Road

Variation of condition 18 (Plan List (Compliance)) of application 19/02137/FUL (Conversion and extension of existing barn to 1 no. dwelling, demolition of outbuildings and associated works) | Date 22.08.24 | Taken to Committee 02.09.24 | Withdrawn


102 Park Road

Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing extension | Date 23.08.24 | Taken to Committee 02.09.24 | Pending Consideration


7 Lockingwell Road

Erection of single storey rear extension | Date 06.09.24 | Taken to Committee 30.09.24 | Support - Permit


3 Severn Way

Erection of a first floor extension over existing side structure | Date 16.09.24 | Taken to Committee 30.09.24 | Support - Permit


67 The Mead

Erection of a single storey rear extension and extension to garage | Date 24.09.24 | Taken to Committee 30.09.24 | Support - Permit


39 Albert Road

Erection of second storey extension over rear extension and erection of two storey side extension to replace single storey extension | Date 08.10.24 | Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


Keynsham Mini Market, 9 High Street

Installation of an automated teller machine and associated signage | Date 08.10.24 | Taken to committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


Keynsham Mini Market 9 High Street

Display of 1 non-illuminated automated teller machine logo panel | Date 08.10.24 | Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


105 Bath Road

CHANGE OF USE FROM C3 TO C2 FOR USE AS A CHILDREN'S CARE HOME FOR UNDER 18'S | Date 16.10.24 | Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


Park House Station Road

T1 Willow - Re-pollard to previous points | Date 17.10.24 | Taken to Committee 28.10.24 | Pending Consideration


Unit 9A Rockhill Estate, Keynsham

Change of E Class use to Sue Generis for Pizza Takeaway with Erection of Extractor flue duct on front elevation | Date 01.11.24 | Taken to committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


3 Maximus Gardens

Loft conversion with flat roof dormers | Date 23.10.24 | Taken to committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


23 Charlton Park

Erection of conservatory and single storey side extension | Date 04.11.24 | Taken to Committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


Esso Service Station, Bath Road

Installation of 6no. EVC bays and associated infrastructure | Date 31.10.24 | Taken to Committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


49 Hurn Lane

Erection of first floor extension | Date 25.10.24 | Taken to committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


12 Martock Road

Erection of first floor extension | Date 25.10.24 | Taken to committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration


Keynsham Leisure Centre, River Terrace

Prior approval request for the installation of 215No. roof mounted solar PV panels of total installed capacity 97.83kWp on the roof of Keynsham Leisure Centre | Date 30.10.24 | Taken to committee 25.11.24 | Penign Consideration


13 Lytton Grove

Erection of 2 storey side extension and rear single storey extension with part first floor following demolition of existing garage | Date 06.11.24 | Taken to Committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration

Enzeli, Stockwood Vale


Raising of ridge line by 600mm to facilitate dormer loft conversion | Date 22.10.24 | Taken to Committee 25.11.24 | Pending Consideration