Data Transparency

The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency

The Local Government Transparency Code came into effect in October 2014, this is a code of recommended practice on data transparency and applies to Parish and Town Councils with a gross income or expenditure in excess of £200,000. The Government wants to increase transparency through the publication of open data enabling taxpayers to see how local authorities use public money. Keynsham Town Council provides the majority of this information already on the website but has taken steps to update this page with either the information required, or provided a link where it is already provided on this website.

Local Government Transparency Code 2015


The Location of Public Land and Building Assets

Download the 2023/2024 Keynsham Town Council Asset Register

Latest Town Council Election Results and Council Minutes

The latest elections took place in May 2023.  Members are serving for a four-year term of office and you can find a complete list of the elected Councillors on the Councillors page. The Council decision-making process is recorded in the official Council minutes which are published on this website and can be downloaded from our Town Council Meetings page.